

Parts’ cleaning is still considered to be a tedious job, sometimes involving hazardous chemicals and is in many cases abandoned to a dark corner of the production area.

But whether your production deals with paint, plastics or other organics, a well developed cleaning method is a strict necessity to provide the required QUALITY STANDARDS. In nearly all the cases, a combination of lower volume of tooling to be maintained, less rejected production parts and the possibility to rework the rejected parts will represent important cost SAVINGS. Compliance with the rapidly changing ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION has become a specialist job. With outsourced cleaning, this liability is taken over by the service provider. Moreover, appointing these tasks to a dedicated company can be a strategic part in your ISO14001 Environmental Management System.

Cleaning centers

Enviore is specialized in metal and plastic parts cleaning. With our network of CLEANING CENTERS and ON SITE CLEANING OPERATIONS, we are combining local presence with international experience. With the system of cleaning centers, the parts are collected from the customer on an agreed schedule (daily, weekly,…). The required cleaning procedure and cleaning class is agreed with the customer by means of extensive cleaning tests prior to production. Extremely SHORT TURNAROUND TIMES (hours…) are possible when required.

On-site cleaning

If there would be specific reasons why parts cannot be sent externally, an ON-SITE CLEANING operation may bring the solution. In this case, the cleaning process is PERMANENTLY INSTALLED at the customer’s premises and OPERATED BY ENVIORE PERSONNEL. Since the operation is exclusively DEDICATED to the production of one customer, this approach is particularly interesting for LARGE VOLUMES. This method combines the best of both worlds: the work is done by SPECIALISTS with up to date technology, but it is done as if it was part of the customer’s own production.

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